The café unfortunately offers only one large table, of about eight seats, where laptops are permitted. Everywhere else, although there are plugs, laptop use is restricted, and it’s the sort of situation where the moment you attempt to plug one in, no matter how briefly you intend to use it, one of the servers will approach you to note the rule. I was a little caught out by it the first time, as I noticed several people using laptops at the little tables while the large one was packed and figured it wouldn’t be an issue if I plugged in my laptop and booked some tickets while having my coffee and toastie, but was immediately approached by a server who told me it wasn't allowed, at all, even for a couple of minutes. In retrospect, the people at the little tables with laptops did all seem to be chatty with one server or another, so presumably different standards apply depending on how well one knows the personnel.
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